It's another Happy Pub Day!
What an amazing day it’s been! Daughter of the Sword came out this morning, and tonight my Brazilian Jiujitsu instructor promoted me to blue belt. To quote the immortal Ice Cube, I didn’t even have to use my AK; I gotta say it was a good day.
Right after the belt test I ran down to my local bookstore to see if I was there. (There’s a philosophical conundrum for you.) Lo and behold, there was Mariko, looking up at me from the new fiction table. Sweetness! Here’s a photo of me with the two great things that happened to me today (and also with Sweetness):
Right after the belt test I ran down to my local bookstore to see if I was there. (There’s a philosophical conundrum for you.) Lo and behold, there was Mariko, looking up at me from the new fiction table. Sweetness! Here’s a photo of me with the two great things that happened to me today (and also with Sweetness):
(Sorry, you probably have to be a football fan to get the Sweetness reference, and it helps if you were alive in the 1980s. And sorry to all you Broncos fans out there too, but there is only one Payton.)