TT Report, Day 16: Roadblocks
I only have one night of wi-fi before I go back off the grid, hence this flurry of posts. I’ll keep this one brief. The short version of today is more extra mileage. Mostly it was due to missing signage, but there were also delays caused by roadblocks.
The roadblocks, however, were awesome.
Thank the cow gods only one of these was a bull. He was just a young’un, but I think he still would have kicked the shit out of me. But he chose to back down, and the only way I can think to put it is his mama scolded him.
He stepped up, lowered his stubby little horns, gave me the evil eye, snorted, pawed the ground, and then looked at the big female next to him. She took just half a step back and kept her big brown eye on him in exactly the way a human mom would. I swear she was half a second away from saying “don’t you dare.” But she didn’t need to, because he did just what a naughty boy is supposed to do: he played nice.
The next roadblock was big, but not too hard to duck around. The real trouble was it was the first of, I dunno, twenty? Thirty? And most were a lot harder to circumnavigate. For example…